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Information About The FOI Body

Establishment of IDA Ireland 

  1. IDA Ireland is an autonomous Statutory Agency set up under the Industrial Development Acts 1986 - 2014.
  2. The Agency operates in accordance with the provisions of the Acts and under the aegis of the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, who is empowered to provide funds to discharge its obligations and issue general policy directives/seek information on the Agency’s activities.
  3. Broadly, IDA’s objective is to contribute to Ireland’s economic development through the promotion of inward investment in the economy.  Specifically, it works to develop the strong base of over 1,000 overseas companies already located in Ireland and also to attract new investment.

Further information on the history if IDA Ireland is available at


Other Legislation

While the primary source of corporate governance for IDA Ireland are the Industrial Development Acts, the Agency is also required to comply with a range of other statutory  (National and EU) and administrative requirements.

These requirements are listed in the Annual Report that you can see here


Roles, Responsibilities and Functions

IDA Ireland & The FOI Act

IDA Ireland came under the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1997 on 21 January, 2001. The Act established three new statutory rights –

  • A legal right for each person to access information held by public bodies;
  • A legal right for each person to have official information relating to himself/herself amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading;
  • A legal right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting oneself.

The Act asserts the right of members of the public to obtain access to official information to the greatest extent possible consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals.

Routinely Available Information

  • IDA Ireland currently routinely makes information available to the public on its functions, activities, schemes, and achievements, together with financial information in relation to grant-aid and the cost of running the organisation.
  • Copies of the following publications are available free of charge and can be obtained at IDA's Head Office or through any of its regional and overseas offices.
  • IDA Annual Report
  • Innovation Ireland magazine

General information is also available on IDA’s website:

IDA also produces promotional literature to support its marketing programme to attract foreign investment into Ireland, which is available on request.

This type of information will continue to be available informally without the need to use the FOI Act.



The Board 

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment appoints Board Members. An up-to-date listing of IDA Board members and members of Board Committees can be found in the most recent Annual Report that you can see here

Committees of the Board

Details of the Committees of the Board are contained in the IDA Annual Report that you can see here


Corporate Plans and Strategies  

IDA Ireland’s strategy, Driving Recovery And Sustainable Growth 2021-2024 was developed in the context of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment policy statement on FDI and with extensive input from clients, stakeholders, the IDA Board, management and team members. As part of this process an analysis of existing markets, sectors and new areas of potential was undertaken, as well as a thorough examination of Ireland’s value proposition for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).


Annual Report


Organisation and Pay/Grading Structures 

Organisation Structures 

Pay/Grading Structures

Locations and contact details for the organisation 

The following links give the contact details of all of IDA Ireland’s offices across Ireland and the World.

Freedom of Information & Access to Information on the Environment requests should be sent to:

Sheelagh Mulligan
Manager, Compliance & Information Management
IDA Ireland
Three Park Place
Hatch Street
Dublin 2

T: +353 1 603 4000

Media Queries should be sent to:

Paul Bailey
Global Communications 
IDA Ireland

+353 1 603 4000



Codes of Practice/Client Charter


Customer Charter

IDA operates in accordance with a set of principles set out in its Customer Charter.  These principles of operation apply to IDA’s dealings with companies and other bodies and individual members of the public.  

Click here to view PDF


Staff Code of Conduct

Click here to view PDF


Code of Conduct for Board Members 


Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Services Provided or to be provided to the Public

The Services We Offer 

As part of its overall product offering, IDA Ireland can offer financial assistance to both new and existing clients.  This financial assistance is negotiated on a case by case basis and is in compliance with EU and Irish legislation.  The Agency may provide financial assistance either through Regional or Horizontal aid from the following suite of Grant Programmes.

Employment and Capital Grants - the level and availability of support is dependent on the activity, location and size of the company.

R& D Grants - Companies can avail of financial incentives to carry out in-house R&D projects and collaborative projects with third-level institutes and industrial partners. 

Training Grants - Available across the country to develop the competitive capabilities of companies already located in Ireland

Some information on our services to clients can be found on the following page

Financial Information

Financial statements


Payments or Purchase Orders for goods and services 

2012  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2014 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2015 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2023 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2024 Q1 Q2    

Governance Board Member remuneration


Procurement Policy

Click here to view PDF

Current Tender Competitions

Details of current tender competitions over €10,000 for ICT and €25,000 for all other competitions are available on

Public Contracts Awarded

To follow, format currently being agreed internally.

FOI Disclosure Log and Other Information to be Published Routinely

FOI Disclosure Log

2021 FOI Disclosure Log 2022 FOI Disclosure Log 2023 FOI Disclosure Log